How To Play

What do you need to play roundnet?

If you don’t already know, roundnet is a game that can be played anywhere. All you need is a Zero Bounds set and 4 players (for the full competitive game).

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Basic Rules
  • What do you need to play Roundnet: The full game is played 2v2, and the game starts with each player stood in a cross formation opposite one another
  • To start the game the server (S) from team 1 hits the ball onto the net towards the receiver (R) on team 2
  • You have 3 touches (like volleyball) to get the ball onto the net
  • There are “ZERO BOUNDaries” and it's a 360 degree game, so you can hit the ball in any direction!
Zero Bounds | What do you need to play roundnet?
Full Rules and what you need to play Roundnet
New Rules Being Trialled